Spotlight on Berberis Vulgaris

Berberis Vulgaris is the first remedy for bladder, kidney and gallbladder complaints. It is an excellent drainage (detox) remedy, helpful for kidney stones, gallstones and recurring bladder or urinary tract infections.


Top 10 remedies for every home

Arnica: The first remedy for injury; Promotes healing; Muscle-ache, stiffness; Sprains, strains; Toothache 


Symphony Q & A

Q: Dear Genie. Are there any remedies in the Symphony range that should NOT be used together, as per your book’s remedies that disagree? Also, how many remedies can one use at the same time?

Protect your family against winter colds & flu

Don’t wait until you fall sick with sniffles, cold and flu this winter. Homeopathy boosts the immune system by stimulating the body’s own healing mechanisms and strengthening the body’s natural resistance to dis-ease. Homeopathy offers a greener, safer, more effective way to improve your family’s health. Homeopathic remedies help to prevent illness, speed up recovery and reduce the severity of symptoms. Take prophylatically (as a preventative measure) or at the first onset of symptoms.


HIV query

Q: Dear Genie. I have recently been diagnosed with HIV and will be starting on ARV treatment soon. What advice can you give me?


Is there a remedy for painful, inflamed eyes?

Q: Hi Genie, I have had several flare-ups of red, very painful eyes unable to tolerate any form of light at all in the past 11 months. I have seen 3 ophthalmologists, tested negative to all blood tests including HIV and used a variety of eye drops to no avail. One of them suggested that I could be suffering from what he called UVlitis.


The Remedy Shoppe helps abandoned babies

Opening up a Door of Hope – By Gina Hurley

A safe-haven for abandoned babies Door of Hope was started in 1999 by Pastor Cheryl Allen, when it was found that 40 to 50 babies were being abandoned every month and left to die of exposure or starvation. There are three houses, two baby houses in Berea and Glenvista, and a toddler house in Glenvista.


Every headache is different – don’t look for a one-size-fits-all treatment

A headache is generally understood as a pain somewhere on the head, and most people turn to a “one size-fits-all” medication for help, such as paracetamol, aspirin, codein or brufen, regardless of the nature of the headache. Homeopathy and Vibrational Medicine recognises that there are hundreds of different types of headaches. When choosing a remedy, it is important to consider the location, sensation and modality of the ailment. In the case of headaches, we would ask the following questions: 


Nux Vom – for life in the fast lane

In today’s fast-paced world, there are many men and women who benefit enormously from the homeopathic remedy Nux Vomica, which comes from the poison nut tree. Nux Vom is often called the workaholic’s remedy or the 21st century remedy, and is one of the most commonly used remedies around the world. Nux Vom will help to restore balance to the person who is:


Like a bridge over troubled water

The Bach Flower Remedies are very helpful in alleviating all sorts of negative emotions and can be taken with any other remedies or medicines to promote emotional calm and restore balance. Discovered by Dr Edward Bach (pronounced “Batch”) in the 1930s , the most popular of the Bach remedies worldwide is the well-loved and trusted RESCUE REMEDY, which is a combination of five of the 38 flower remedies. This formula is used to alleviate shock and trauma in any emergency situation, providing a sense of peace and calm, and increased coping ability. In homeopathy, we choose the remedy/ies that most closely match our symptoms. See if you can identify your symptoms or those of your loved ones in any of the following descriptions:


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