Nature’s gift to women – The simple cuttlefish (Sepia) offers relief to overburdened women everywhere
“Sepia? … Sepia? Where have I heard that before?” I hear you asking yourself. Sepia is made from the ink of the cuttlefish and is a thick brown dye that was used in the olden days by artists and photographers for painting and photography. The homeopathic remedy Sepia is known to assist with numerous weaknesses, disorders and ailments, and will help you even if only one of the descriptions below matches how you feel.
Is there a remedy for tonsillitis?
Why, naturally! Choose the best remedy for your tonsillitis / sore throat, based on the symptoms below:
Aconitum – best taken at the first sign of a red, dry, constricted, burning, stinging sore throat that starts suddenly, especially after exposure to the cold, accompanied by other cold or flu-like symptoms including a burning, bursting headache, blocked nose, dry croupy cough, red face, possibly with fever alternating with chills; unquenchable thirst; mood includes one of fear, anxiety and restlessness.
Snoring/allergies in children
I have a two-and-a-half-year old little boy. He snores a lot when he sleeps at night. His nose seems congested. It is slightly runny. I went to an ENT Specialist a few weeks ago – and he suggested it might be his adenoids. He also said that we were in the middle of allergy season, the air is dry, no rain etc. could be allergies. He gave me some medicine called Deselex to allow us to try treat it medically first before doing anything drastic…I also did say my little boy has big tonsils (whatever that may mean) …
Mother nature to the rescue
The symptoms of stress are caused by the hormone adrenaline which prepares the body for the flight and fight reaction – a certain amount of which is beneficial and assists us in ‘winning the race’. However, it may also bring on negative feelings, emotions and even physical symptoms which may include anxiety, apprehension or nervous dread, brain fog, weak memory, fear, anger or irritability, over-active mind, sweating, the urgent need to urinate, sleeplessness and even exhaustion.
Soothe your exam nerves
When I asked my youngest son of nine what he feels before a school cycle test, he moved his hand in a circular motion over his tummy and he said that “it feels like things are flying around”! I thought this description was perfect for what we used to call “the butterflies”, which is a nice name for something quite nasty!
Remedies for peace of mind these holidays
Eugenie Rowson, has put together a holiday kit of 21 remedies to cover any eventuality these holidays. And once you’re home, these same remedies will assist your family further with hundreds of everyday ailments. It will only take up a small space in your luggage and give you enormous peace of mind – don’t go anywhere without it!
Erectile dysfunction
Q: What can you recommend for a friend in his late 70s who suffers from erection problems? He can get an erection, but as soon as he attempts penetration, he loses it. It comes back and goes away and it is enormously frustrating.
Skin pigmentation
Q: I have developed dark marks in my face – more severe during summer and this is really denting my confidence. I have been told by the dermatologist that there is no cure for these marks since it is hormonal and also caused by the sun.
Alternative cancer therapy
Q: My mom was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and is following alternative protocols – the Budwig diet and the Kelley enzyme protocol. Both are well-recognised internationally, but we’ve been battling to find someone locally who could monitor her progress, or suggest a diet or supplements, or even just help with her everyday problems while on the protocol, like nausea. I think very few people here know about it, and we’re not doctors so we’re worried about just mixing a lot of different remedies. Do you know of these protocols, would you recommend them, or could you perhaps help us in any way? I know your book is for common ailments, but thought I’d at least find out!
Back pain and a weak spine
Q: I am 53 years of age. I suffer from severe back pains from the neck downwards. This only happens when I am lying flat and not at any time. I had consulted a doctor and was diagnosed with arthritis. Can I please be advised on which remedy to take?