The validity of homeopathic medicine – Eugenie Rowson is interviewed by Xolani Gwala of Talk Radio 702

Eugenie Rowson is interviewed by Xolani Gwala of Talk Radio 702 on Tuesday 15 April 2014

Are homeopathic remedies no better than placebos? – Eugenie explains how homeopathy REALLY works 

Points of discussion:

  • Defining the difference between homeopathic medicine and clinical (conventional/mainstream) medicine
  • A recent Australian study into the efficacy of homeopathy – “Homeopathic medicine is .
  • Many similar reports have been produced to try to discredit homeopathy
  • Clinical (mainstream) medicine WORKS by suppression vs.  Homeopathy WORKS by healing 
  • Clinical trials are only relevant where a medicine is being tested for its ability to suppress symptoms.
  • Homeopathic medicine can only be tested for its ability to stimulate symptoms which are understood as the body’s necessary healing mechanisms.  
  • You cannot test a homeopathic medicine for its effectiveness in suppressing symptoms because it is not designed for suppression.
  • A homeopathic medicine is not a weak physiological solution, but holds the electromagnetic frequency of the original (powerful) substance and is therefore understood as powerfully electromagnetic by nature.
  • Traditional medicine in South Africa refers to local .African medicine and works by boosting healing.


Click here to listen to a podcast of this live interview

Other related articles for additional info:

The Swiss Government’s Remarkable Report on Homeopathic Medicine:

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