Storing your potentised remedies

Look after your remedies and they’ll look after you …

It is very important that energised solutions – like all medicines – are stored correctly. Therefore:

  • Bathroom cupboards are out – bathrooms provide an ideal damp climate for fungal spores and bacteria and these will contaminate medicines – particularly with a black type of fungus.
  • After initial use, the remedy should be discarded if it is not used up within three months.
  • Remedies should not be stored in car boots for any length of time. Ideally they should be transported in cooler boxes.
  • If the spray nozzle is removed for any reason there is a good chance of introducing contamination.
  • Heat of any type or source should be avoided.
  • Storing remedies close to electric motors, or electronic devices must be avoided. Apart from interfering with the properties of the medicine, these devices can give off heat which will affect the remedy and also encourage bacterial/fungal growth.
  • Similarly excessive cold should be avoided.
  • Potentised remedies cannot contain preservatives or anti bacterials and are therefore susceptible to contamination. We therefore manufacture them under strict microbe-free conditions.
Pat Smith
Moriana Pharmaceuticals
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