Mercury poisoning
Q: Is there a remedy to detox the body of excess mercury?
A: You could either take Merc Sol (in our Maestro range), or our Heavy metals detox formula (Symphony range). Heavy metal toxicity and poisoning has been linked to a wide range of health issues including:
Chronic pain in the muscles, tendons or soft tissues of the body.
Behavioural disorders
Brain fog
Memory loss
Mood swings, depression and/or anxiety
Chronic malaise
Chronic infections
Gastrointestinal complaints
Food allergies
Migraines, dizziness and/or headaches
Visual disturbances
This formula is a potentised solution of various homeopathic remedies known to promote kidney, lymph and liver detoxification, and to assist with blood purification and lymphatic drainage, allowing these organs to function optimally. It also contains the vibration of many known toxic metals, each of which acts as an antidote encouraging the release and elimination of these from the body. All homeopathic remedies boost the immune system by stimulating the body’s own healing mechanisms and strengthening the body’s natural resistance to dis-ease. Help yourself to good health! Both available online or from your nearest agent.