HIV query

Q: Dear Genie. I have recently been diagnosed with HIV and will be starting on ARV treatment soon. What advice can you give me?

A: I would strongly recommend that you take two of our remedies to support your whole system:

1) Immunity support formula: A high-potency immune booster to support and stimulate all areas of wellbeing, boost resistance to illness and strengthen the immune system.

2) Detox formula: Assists with blood purification and kidney, liver, gallbladder and lymph drainage, allowing these organs to function optimally. Encourages the rebuilding of tissue and detoxification of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder and lymphatic system. Very effective after overindulgence in rich foods and alcohol, and taking excess medication. Promotes general health and wellbeing.

Both these formulas are available through agents and from our on-line shop.

Homeopathy the best system of medicine for healing and immunity support, and you could choose other remedies to help you according to the different healing mechanisms (symptoms) that you observe/experience from time to time, including emotional symptoms such as grief, shock and trauma. 

Please don’t hesitate to call on us if you need more help.

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