Haemorrhoids and piles – more common than most people realise
Haemorrhoids are small, blood-filled swellings caused by dilated varicose veins. At first, they are located just inside the anus but can sometimes protrude. Haemorrhoids are not dangerous but they can be painful and uncomfortable. Many people have haemorrhoids at some point in their lives. Constipation and prolonged straining when using the toilet are believed to contribute to the formation of haemorrhoids by increasing the pressure in the veins. Haemorrhoids are also very common during and after pregnancy, and in those who may be carrying a few extra pounds.
Fortunately, homeopathy has many extremely effective remedies for treating and curing haemorrhoids, without having to go under the knife. So many of my patients have avoided surgery by taking one or a combination of the following remedies. See below for the remedy/ies that most suit your particular symptoms. Note that all of these remedies are polychrests, which means that they can be used over and over to treat an array of common ailments. For more information see the book, There’s a Remedy for That! or peruse the website.
Aesculus – for blind haemorrhoids (those that cannot be seen) with an absence of constipation; lots of pain but only a little bleeding; the anus feels raw and sore with burning pain and chills up and down the back.
Aloe Socotrina – this remedy is a God-send for haemorrhoids that protrude like grapes, are extremely painful and sensitive, and accompanied by constipation and burning pain in the anus and rectum.
Collinsonia – where there is itching and pain in the rectum like sharp sticks with painful, bleeding piles – this remedy is of great value.
Hamamelis – for haemorrhoids which bleed excessively; the anus feels sore and raw. This remedy also has special action where there is a tendency to varicose veins.
Hypericum – helpful where piles are bleeding, painful and tender.
Nux Vom – for itching blind haemorrhoids with a constant yet ineffectual urging for a stool. Accompanied by typical irritable bowel symptoms.
Silica – use in a case where haemorrhoids are accompanied by fissures (painful tears in the anus) after great straining for a stool; may also be accompanied by diarrhoea. (N.B. Silica should not be taken by anyone with breast, dental or other implants.)