Back-to-school blues

Many children experience some fears and anxiety as each new school year begins. A few late nights or fluttery tummies in the days before school begins are often signals not only of nervousness, but also of excitement at seeing old friends and meeting new ones. It is perfectly natural for your child to be nervous, excited, anxious and eager all at the same time leading up to, and during the first days of, school. However, for some children the beginning of a new school year or starting at a new school brings on a sense of terrific anxiety and stress.

Sometimes children need to learn new ways to adjust to their new schedules and environments. Other times, previous incidents can contribute to the perception of future problems. Some behaviours to watch out for are:

Physical illness (vomiting, diarrhoea, or other symptoms)
Excessive crying / tantrums
Avoidance behaviours (hiding, not wanting to get out of the car)
Aggressiveness (hitting, kicking, biting)
Lack of appetite
Withdrawal from family / activities
The most important thing to do is to talk to your child about he is feeling, and let him voice his fears and worries. Offer reassurance and remind your child that he is not the only one who is a little uneasy about the first day of school. You can also point out all the positive aspects of starting school and how much fun it will be. If possible, take your child to school and pick him up yourself on the first few days.
In homeopathy, there are many remedies that will ease the emotional and physical symptoms of panic and anxiety, gently and without any side effects. Choose the remedy (or remedies) below that best describes your child’s symptoms. You will be amazed how effective these remedies can be for an anxious child or a worried parent!

Aconitum – your typical ‘panic attack’ remedy and homeopathy’s Rescue Remedy. To be used for a sudden and intense feeling of fright, panic, anxiety, worry and foreboding. Accompanied by oppressed breathing, racing heart, palpitations with stitching pains in the chest, flashes of heat, sweating. Panic tends to be worse at night.

Kali Phos – an essential brain, nerve, heart and lung nutrient which improves symptoms of anxiety, panic, hysteria, nervous dread, dizziness, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, nervous tension, night terrors, insomnia, diarrhoea, lethargy, irritability, depression and hyper-sensitivity.

Lycopodium – for lack of self-confidence and courage. Apprehensive about forthcoming events. For a feeling of terror and panic before school.

Pulsatilla – for fear or anxiety about separation which leads to clinginess, tearfulness and emotional changeability. Fear of a loved one being harmed. A great remedy for emotions of panic that are connected to separation anxiety, including in babies and children. This is a great remedy for the toddler who hangs onto mom or dad’s leg for dear life at the school gate!

Anxiety, worry and fears formula – this formula helps to relieve and overcome overwhelming and deeply ingrained feelings of anxiety and worry, unfounded fears, insecurity, fear of the unknown, nervousness and phobias.

Exam stress and stage fright formula – for symptoms of exam stress, stage fright, performance anxiety, or nervousness before a speech, presentation or a big event, such as a wedding or the first day of school! Promotes calm, clear-headedness, focus and mental clarity. To be taken before and during the event as often as necessary.

Panic disorders formula – this formula helps to relieve symptoms associated with the sudden onset of panic and panic attacks, severe anxiety, and fears such as the fear of dying or of losing control. This formula assists with adrenal fatigue and encourages potassium balance, bringing about a sense of calm, peace, order and being in control.

Separation anxiety formula –  this formula is a potentised solution of several homeopathic remedies known to assist with fear or anxiety about separation which leads to clinginess, tearfulness and emotional changeability. Fear of a loved one being harmed. A great remedy for emotions of panic that are connected to separation anxiety, including in babies and children. Another great remedy for the toddler who hangs onto mom or dad’s leg for dear life at the school gate!
Homeopathy is affordable, safe and highly effective. Potentised remedies are available from homeopaths, at health shops and selected pharmacies or online from
Wishing you good health as we usher in a brand new year!

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