About T/Dr Eugénie Rowson

Eugenie Rowson - The Remedy ShoppeVIBRATIONAL MEDICINE

Biofeedback Therapist
Ethnomedicine Practitioner

RSHom (Overseas)
SAC Dip (Prof. Hypnotherapy) (UK)

Reg: Society of Homeopaths (UK)
Compl. Therapists Assoc (UK)        EMPASA (SA)

Author : There’s a remedy for that!
Founder :  The Remedy Shoppe

“My passion for healing and homeopathy has grown organically out of the rich rewards of self-homeopathy which I have used for our family’s every imaginable ailment over the past twenty years!  During this time, I studied and qualified as a Homoeopath in the UK with the British Institute of Homoeopathy under some of the world’s finest doctors and tutors of homeopathy. I further qualified in Professional Hypnotherapy which gave me a profound insight into the human psyche and how our subconscious mind impacts on our health and wellbeing.

I published a self-help guide to the use of homeopathic medicine in 2008 entitled : There’s a remedy for that! and over time, advanced to the full spectrum of Vibrational Medicine.  Since the nature of homeopathic medicine is now well understood as being vibrational or electromagnetic, this knowledge has led to the development of a new and innovative method of making an electromagnetic medicine which we call Vibrational Medicine.  The use of sophisticated technology allows us to create a remedy electromagnetically by charging a solution with the vibration of a specific substance.  My unquenchable fascination for this natural healing discipline has lead me to further study and explore other related healing modalities including biofeedback, radionics, electro-homeopathy, ethnomedicine, ethnobotany, electro-acupuncture, hypnotherapy, iridology, sclerology, live blood analysis, colour therapy … and I’m still learning! Over the many years that I have been involved in self-help homoeopathy and subsequently Vibrational Medicine, I have never ceased to marvel at the endless number of disorders and dis-eases, both chronic and acute, that this incredible system of medicine is able to heal – rapidly, gently, effectively and permanently – without side effects!

For the past fifteen years I have made my own Vibrational remedies to treat every imaginable ailment that I, my husband and our five children have had experienced.  I have professionally assisted approx. 10 000 (and some apparently incurable) patients with their health problems and have encouraged thousands more to good health through the pages of my book and regular newsletters.   Without a doubt,  this hands-on experience has given me the invaluable understanding necessary to develop hundreds of incredibly effective Vibrational Medicine formulas for all sorts of ailments which i have used in practice.  These remedies are now available to everyone for self-help healing.  Individuals and health practitioners can obtain / order these through The Remedy Shoppe retail outlet and online shop”. – Eugénie Rowson

Eugénie uses a biofeedback device in a supportive capacity to determine certain imbalances and initiate the healing process. However, whilst a biofeedback device is a helpful tool, it cannot replace the knowledge and expertise of a qualified and experienced health practitioner.  The reputation for her success is accredited to her far-reaching knowledge and experience in homeopathy and natural health and above all, to the specialised remedies and formulas which she will determine through a comprehensive evaluation process in consultation.  These remedies and formulas are prepared for each individual patient.

Please note:

Eugénie is registered for the practice of Ethnomedicine in South Africa and uses a Biofeedback system for testing and treatment and has developed a unique range of formulas which she has branded as her Vibrational Medicine. Specialised formulas are prepared for each patient and a broad range of her formulas is available to the public through her retail outlet and online shop: The Remedy Shoppe – www.theremedyshoppe.co.za


+27 (0)82 771 2292


34 Crawford Drive,
Douglasdale, JHB.

Map to The Remedy Shoppe

Comprehensive Consultation:

Approx. 50 mins. Includes tests, treatment and specialised remedies.
E-mail: eugenie@genierowson.com

Living far away/can’t get to Eugénie?

Remote / distance consultation with Eugénie Rowson – for People & Pets!

Late cancellation policy:

Please note that a late cancellation fee of the full amount will be charged if a consultation is cancelled or changed within 24hrs of the appointment.

Regrettably, no charges for a consultation or remedies may be claimed from any medical aid.

Consultation structure & fees:

Click here

More about Biofeedback

In practice, Eugénie uses a biofeedback device in a supportive capacity to determine certain imbalances and initiate the healing process.

Everything in existence pulsates with energy and vibrates at its own specific and unique frequency. Each cell in our body operates at a certain frequency and all our cells network together to keep our body in harmony. Stress produces erratic vibrations that lead to disharmony, followed by degradation and disease. Viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites all have resonant frequencies. Diseased tissue and stressed organs emanate aberrant electromagnetic wave patterns and these are reversed when the healthy wave pattern is fed back to the patient.

Diseased tissue and stressed organs emanate aberrant electromagnetic wave patterns and these are reversed when the healthy wave pattern is fed back to the patient. We actively interact with vibrational frequencies all the time. All healthy tissue and diseased tissue, compounds, toxins, micro-organisms, viruses as well as medicines, produce their own electromagnetic signature.

Biofeedback  can detect subtle irregularities of frequency, long before these can be detected through conventional medical tests. The benefits of early intervention need no elaboration. What is most important – instead of looking at the symptoms of illness as undesirable, energetic medicine sees these as the body’s efforts to put itself back into to order. This is the natural order of our body’s repair system which must be encouraged not disrupted through suppression. The human system, at its most basic level, operates according to the laws of quantum physics and energetics. Everything – emotions, thought forms, physical health and illness – has a characteristic electromagnetic waveform. Experiments have also shown that our cells are at least one hundred times more sensitive to electromagnetic stimulation than to chemical stimulation.

Biofeedback is emerging technology which reads the body at the speed of a computer – leading the way to non-invasive, drugless healing techniques. It detects weaknesses such as viruses, nutritional deficiencies, allergies, physical abnormalities, pathogens, food sensitivities, learning difficulties, trauma, emotional imbalances, causes and aggravations, and much more.

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