Severe case of Fever Blisters / Herpes simplex…healed in only 6 days!

After 1 appointment with Eugenie Rowson this patient took her remedies (Immunity Support formula and Fever blister, Cold sores & mouth ulcer formula) for an outbreak of severe fever blisters/Herpes simplex and was healed naturally without suppression and any nasty side effects!

Learn more about the self-help treatment of fever blisters/Herpes simplex and get started right away with our great range of remedies available to you from The Remedy Shoppe. Alternatively see Eugenie Rowson for a full consultation, tests, treatment & remedies:

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 3 – afternoon

Day 4:

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Day 4 afternoon:

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Day 6 – all gone

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